melbet Why don't we like having our photos taken? | HERO SHOT Photography

Why don’t we like having our photos taken?

Linkedin sydney headshots taken by headshot photographer Sammer Affridi at Hero Shot Photography

It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Not anymore. Well, not at first anyway.

Today’s digital age can be brutal. It’s a yes or a no, a swipe left or right, it leaves no room for error and no place for personal achievement.

As a result, it’s created the ultra-ego. The selfie obsessive. The ‘look how incredible my life is’ profiles.

As headshot photographers we have people telling us constantly, ‘I’m not photogenic’, ‘You can try but good luck trying to get a decent shot out of me’, ‘I just need a headshot that makes me look better than I really do’.

Why do people feel so negative towards how they look?

Personally, I think it’s fear. There are two big fears in life: fear of loss and fear of rejection and rejection often feels like a loss. Nobody likes it and people go to great lengths to protect themselves from it.

For the first time in history, our lives are on display for the world to see. Some try to hide away by deleting their Facebook profile, whilst others continue on with an old headshot for LinkedIn to avoid facing up to the now older looking version of themselves.

It’s true our online world can be harsh and the book is often judged by the cover but it’s hard to stay completely offline in a digital era.

Regardless of the reason, why are we afraid to present the real us? Have we lost our confidence?

Your headshot is the first thing people see. It’s often the one thing an audience uses to decide if you’re in or out and it’s a powerful tool. It’s our point of difference and something we should own proudly. The parts we pick fault at are unique to us; our insecurities don’t horrify people, only us. Our awkwardness, to others, can be endearing.

Personalities aren’t built up of the parts we like and desire to be, and if they are then it’s fake and nobody develops a deep connection with someone they see as playing a character.

People love the confident expressionist. The one who stands out from the crowd and doesn’t give energy to those who mock them. These unashamed pioneers understand that mockery serves people as a shield, a protective barrier around themselves.

When we are true to ourselves, people see this and we are invincible to rejection. How can something be rejected if it isn’t up for auction?

A good photographer has the power at their fingertips to slim your legs, tone your stomach and remove 15 years from your face, but what does this really show, you or an image of who you think you should be.

Most photographers tweak and perfect to varying degrees, but great headshot photographers do something more. They wear every image they take as a badge of honour, it’s part of their brand and it’s important. They don’t just take pretty pictures or fake it, they understand their subject and capture it perfectly.

In order to create an incredible image that connects to an audience, they don’t forget about the most important element of a person; their character, their spirit, what makes stand apart from others.

This is the side you show when you’re not posing or acting professional. When the self-conscious voice in your head has left the building. A great photographer sees this uniqueness and brings it out without you noticing.

It’s no easy task but a headshot photographer that is interested in people and able to connect on a deeper level will bring this hidden charisma out into the forefront.

Showing the real you shouldn’t be scary, it should be empowering and the end result will be an image you are not only excited to share with others but are proud to say, ‘This is me’.

Hero Shot Photography

“I highly recommend Sam’s photography, particularly his ability to capture essence. I came to my photo shoot after much prodding, but with reluctance. I simply do not take a ‘good’ photo! Sam made me feel so comfortable and produced photos that reminded me of the smile that I have been complemented on over time, which I had forgotten about and which is so integral to me. You really caught me. Thank you.”

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Headshot photographer, professional headshots, character headshots
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