What colours should I wear for a professional photoshoot?

corporate headshot taken outdoors with Anna Shepherd by hero shot photography

For corporate headshots in Sydney, what types of colours to wear for headshots is one of our top FAQ’s and for good reason.

We’ve also written a definitive guide on how to choose colours for headshots which you should definitely check out if this topic interests you.


  1. Plain colours are generally your best choice as a first option.
  2. Consider wearing colours that you get a lot of compliments in (there’s normally a reason for this!)
  3. Anything that matches your eye colour is always a bonus as it will help draw attention to your eyes.
  4. If you are a business owner or a brand ambassador, wearing a flash of your brand colour can be done subtly through an accessory like a tie or belt, lipstick or eye shadow.
  5. Subtle flashes tend to work best in our experience, giving more versatility to an image and can tie in nicely with your logo when featured on your website.
  6. Rich colours along with gemstone colours (sapphire / ruby / emerald) typically work well on all complexions.
  7. Pastels along with patterns are generally best avoided for photography although there are sometimes exceptions.

You can read our full guide on picking colours for your headshots here.

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The ultimate guide for choosing colours for your headshot
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