melbet Do I need a professional headshot? | HERO SHOT Photography

Do I need a professional headshot?

professional headshot - in studio - black male - by hero shot photography

I have been a corporate headshot photographer for 10 years and run Hero Shot Photography in Sydney. I’m going to answer the FAQ; Do I need a professional headshot? You can find a full list of Top FAQ’s here.

A professional headshot for an individual is the equivalent of a logo for a brand. It helps you get noticed, shows people that you are established, care about your brand and are invested in your business or yourself.

That being said we know a lot of businesses that manage to get by without a logo (my gardener) or by having a logo thrown together (badly) in Word.

Does that make them less credible? Not necessarily.

Could there be a perception they lack experience and carry a greater risk? Perhaps.

Are they likely to need to jump through hoops to be trusted? You bet!

Marketing yourself doesn’t always require an internet presence. If you meet customers face to face and or they aren’t online, you can probably get away without a headshot.

If you intend to take advantage of the internet and want to have a presence that will show people why you are the best person for the job, a good headshot, whilst not crucial, is going to make life easier.

A headshot is a marketing tool and should be seen as a marketing expense or investment. It should make you more money than it costs.

Often it’s a tax deduction too, so it’ll cost you less than you think.

#headshots #personalbranding #linkedinheadshot #onlinepresence

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